Thursday, July 7, 2016

CL - 7/7 "Freedom: Confidence in Action"

For a year long, I pondered Freedom.  And self-worth. And why abundance evaded me. And why I was stuck in the same hamster wheel for so many years. It took me all that time to realize that financial freedom had nothing to do with money, and everything to do with what is on the inside.  It took me a whole entire year to get to the point where I realized I had to do something different, and be confident about it. To feel like I could do something. To feel ready to take a step, even if it was a baby one. This was coined, "Confidence in action." 

I realized the "doing" isnt really about doing but about being mindful.  It's about our thoughts. And changing them.  Shifting our focus. And it took me that full year of complaining and flailing and going up, up, up super high then down, down, down, again to come to where I am today with enough contrasting experience and knowledge to reinforce what I have apparently known for years (yes, I found a blog I wrote years ago about these concepts... which was eye-opening, slightly alarming). 

I suppose I just wasn't ready to apply the knowledge yet to my actual experience. I was completely wrapped up in self-limiting beliefs and ceilings to ever step outside that comfort zone... though I thought I was. It's funny, looking back, how we think we know so much and do so much and have changed so much. And yes, we have. But then...another year passes.  Another 5 years pass. And we are catapulted even further into a world we didnt even know existed. We can't see what we are not yet ready for. And so we move through life, in stages.  The actual journey "there" is the living part.  The delicious part. The part we often overlook and try to jump over but the only part that really matters and exists. 

Once we get "there," there is someplace else we already want to be and have our eyes set on. So, we must revel in the Now. And implement what we know now. And push our boundaries now.  Not when we know more, not tomorrow, or the next day. Or next year. 

Easier said than done.  As I mentioned, it took me a year to really muster up the courage to be ready to finally take confident action steps towards the life of my desires. And to feel like I deserve that life. 

Confidence in action.  This is when you become aligned, vibrationally, with your Higher Self and Source energy.  And you can now take action steps that will bring you to your expanded Self.  Remember, you already are all you wish to be.  You just havent realized it yet.  As you take action steps confidently towards that which you desire, you grow and expand to meet that bigger version of yourself. And that feels good.  When you shrink away, that feels bad. 

Nothing means anything until you decide in your thoughts that it does. Or doesn't. 

So, are you willing to decide to take confident action steps today in alignment with all that you are? To feel good? To enjoy the moments as they happen? 

It may take me another year to understand this Confidence in action thing. And I am pretty certain Ill have my share of flails and ups and downs, again. Because that's how I roll. But I welcome the journey and the process as part of my life unfolding beautifully for me.  And I will try to really appreciate the learning and expanding and the rich experiences and contrast I came here to live and love. 

Today's Affirmation: I will continue to embody Confidence in action, building up momentum to (invite) the main event.

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