Saturday, April 30, 2016

CL - 4/30/16 "Honeymooning"

It can be really difficult to see past what is. Even more difficult may be to shift our focus off of what is. We can get so stuck in our situations we have a hard time seeing out, seeing solutions or different circumstances. We can have difficulty seeing people differently. We often forget the beauty around us, all the miracles, as we get "stuck in the mud" so to speak. End up in a rut. Become overwhelmed. Bored. Feel helpless against challenges. Etc. 

We often forget we are held by the unseen. That we are not limited by what we perceive now. That we are magical creators. 

It's one thing to know information. It's another to execute and practice that which you "know" in theory. 

Using the honeymoon period of a relationship as an example, we are so focused upon what's good about our partner and the connection that we are overjoyed. It isn't until we shift our focus onto the unwanted that our experience changes. Arguments begin. And the color and tone changes dramatically on both ends. Remember, “The people in your life will always give you exactly what you expect. No exceptions.” (Esther Hicks, Abraham)

As humans, we forget how powerful we really are. We have amnesia and totally miss what's really happening right in front of us. As our story changes, and our beliefs about our thoughts, our experiences change. 

Continuing with the example I used, if we could go back to that mindframe of appreciation and discovery and excitement and love, we can rebirth and renew our relationships and our experiences. You were not blinded by love during the honeymoon phase. You were actually able to see.  You were allowing yourself to create and share a beautiful experience that was aligned and felt good. It wasnt until fear and the ego kicked in and you started to judge and create stories that something changed. Maybe you fell back into old patterns or self limiting beliefs.  Regardless of what occurred and was real for you, at the time, all that really changed was a shift in your perception and focus and language.

We have the ability in every moment to choose to focus on the good and to feel good and to create a honeymoon for ourselves and experience that in all areas of our life every day.

Pull your focus, not your love. 

Let this be a reminder for you today that you can shift your focus onto the "bright side" and experience that instead of focusing on what you feel is right in front of you or limiting you. 

Remember you are a magnet. Focus on the good. Feel good. Bring in more good. Repeat.  

Happy Saturday, friends. 

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