Every person is free. It is an illusion to believe anything else.
It is a lie inherently borne into the structure of social conditioning: that sameness is safety and difference is conflict. That is true in many cases, but only until a person realizes they have the power to choose, AT ALL TIMES.
If a person doesn't like their circumstance and they believe they have no choice but to accept it, they are ignoring the obvious choice:
Death. We can choose to end our life, and because we have that awareness and that power, there is always a choice.
The opposite of death is life. If we can choose to die we can choose to live, and if we can choose how we die than we can also choose how we live. We condition ourselves and each other to feel stuck or trapped in what we have always been.
It is our thoughts that need shifting. How we think determines how we feel, and studies have proven this time and again. You can sit right now in a safe room, far from any threat or danger, and if you close your eyes and picture what you consider to be a dangerous threat in the room with you, your body will believe it and your biological system will react. Elevated heart rate, sweating, physical tension and emotional anxiety. All because you imagined something that isn't really there, and you know for a fact it isn't there! But you chose to believe it, and that made it real for you.
Crazy, huh?
So today, take a look at your choices and your beliefs by seeing what is actually there in front of you, physically, and search for the story you tell about it. Do you believe what you see? Do you feel safe at home or in your car, or with family and friends? How can you shift the storyline in your head or ask questions to learn more about what you see and observe to find out if your story is true or not?
We are here to help. If you have questions that you aren't ready to ask the people you know because you feel they may not understand or you just aren't comfortable yet, you can ask us. We care about you knowing you are free and feeling empowered by your freedom to make the choices you truly want to make.
To live the life you were born to live.